
LexBlog is hosting their Beer for Bloggers (and others) at the ABA TechShow on Friday, March 18th.  This event, which is being hosted by the ABA Journal and LexBlog, will take place in the Lobby Lounge at the Hilton Chicago (Northeast corner) from 5:30pm to 7:00 pm.

You’re all invited, blogger or not, lawyer or not, attending ABA TechShow or not. It’s been a great event for those in the legal profession and for those working in organizations serving the legal profession to get together.


Lobby Lounge
Hilton Chicago
720 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605


Friday, March 18th @ 5:30pm to 7:00 pm


ABA Journal and LexBlog


If you are looking for us, we will be at the ABA TechShow all weekend and can be reached by email at